Sunday, August 12, 2012

Pretty Cool

So I read an article today about a Scientist in India. Dr. Babu had mixed the sugar drops with edible colors red, green, blue and yellow and placed them in his garden to attract the ants. The ant's abdomen is semi-transparent, the ants take in  the color as they sip the liquid.

Monday, August 6, 2012

A Mind of a Future Scientist

   Take in mind when you have a child you have taken the role of a protector, teacher, mother and or father. Well with my son I've been teaching him. It amazes me on how fast he learns and can recall what he has learned. In the past month my son has learned the names of different names of dinosaurs. At first I wasn't sure if i should teach him the names.  I did not wanted to over whelm him. I said to my self  how is he going to learn this if he can't even remember the colors. I then came up with this plan. Different color dinosaurs. Well needless to say he some what has the colors down. 
    My son spent the weekend with my mother's . Over the stay she had gotten him some more dinosaurs. He comes up to me to show me the dinosaurs. I then called my mother over and I told her to watch and see if he can remember the names of the dinosaurs. Well low and be hold he started with the triceratops. I was so proud my mom was like he has been saying the same name since she had  gotten him the toy. I told her that was the name of the dinosaur. Well my mother thought he was making up some type of words. I also pulled out another dinosaur and he named it. At this point it made me feel so good that he remember what I had went over with him.
   He amazes me  everyday. There are just so many thing I want to teach him. He got to see his first galaxy on Friday at the planetarium. He had so much fun We watch the cosmic show. While the show was going on he asked so many question. I explained what an Asteroids was. And he asked me what the dots were I told him they were stars. He looked at me and said those are stars.
       Well I can not say he will be a scientist in the future. I can say he will have the tools and knowledge to become something great.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Busy but not forgotten

Oh hello blog. So since my son has come back we have been going to the park and playing everyday. I started doing flash cards with him  i started out with 40 cards now he know 23 ooh i'm so happy.

Friday, June 15, 2012


I can be the first to tell people writing is not my strong point, give me math questions then writing a paper. But since I been talking classes I have noticed in the first week I had a lot of papers to write. And a blog to write in curiosity to one of my teachers. But then I noticed that the more I wrote the more I learned how to express my self better, I'm not saying I don't make errors but I feel at ease now  going up to someone and asking if they can look over my paper. And I admit once I wrote the paper I never looked at it again. Which is bad. yea bad. I  think I learned a lot this quarter. Now that I look back at it when I went to the Art Institute of Ft.Lauderdale for three years and I think I had written four papers at least . Yea Wow. Its never to late to learn something.

Cultural Body Modification

 I had to write a last journal for sociology this week I had fun writing this paper. My paper was about body modification and how it related to sociology. So I wrote about the beginning with the tribes and how it related to the new tribes of today. Well I am going to paste a copy of my paper here if anyone would like to read it.

 Cultural Body Modification 

When explaining culture one has to know the definition, culture is the ways of acting, and materials objects that together form a people’s way of life. Culture throw out the years are slowly blending us, as people together. This document explains about the past cultures with examples of tribes and what type of body modification they have experience. Also what is taken from these cultures and why today certain people try to resemble modern primitives? In the following how body modification is going too related to sociology.
Body modification has been a part of every different culture globally.  Body modification has been a part of history throughout time. It is said that body modification is linked to religious associations and right of passages to deter other tribes from abducting their women. I feel today body modification is linked to creativity and self-expression. Types of body modification are influenced by the type of culture that is surrounding the people, class they are in, and history that surround that culture.
            In the Chinese culture, especially the T’ang Destiny, area they women would have their feet bound. The women it is the foot binding stated because there was a “concubine of a Chinese prince walked gracefully as if she Skimmed over the top of golden lilies” (Crites, 2005)The woman from the story was adopted to their culture and then started the binding the feet of young woman.  Foot Binding started with the rich because women were depends on servants. This body modification became a social norm for their society.  I believe that foot binding can into the existence to make the woman be subservient to her husband. “Researchers at the University of California at San Francisco” found that women ages 80 and older with bound feet were more likely to have fallen in the previous year and to need assistance in rising from a sitting position. They also had lower bone density in the hip and spine than women with normal feet, increasing their risk of debilitating fractures” (U.C.S.F., 1999).
From the Apatani Tribe, both the men and women modify their body. The practice with the woman is thought to start because the man of the tribe didn’t want males from neighboring tribes to take their woman away from the tribe. According to the tribe “the Apatani women were considered to be the most beautiful ones among all the Arunachal tribes” (Clyde.2012). The Apatani women have plugs put in their nostrils. The men from this tribe have a tattoo of a “T” shaped on their chin.
The Mursi, are a tribe that still performs the body modification of women were they wear plates in their lower lips. The girls from this tribe have their lower lip punctured and they have a small wooden stick put in their lip. Over the leading months the girl stretches the lip by adding bigger plates over a period of time. “When a girl from this tribe does not wear the plate is label to be lazy and not being committed to her culture and husband” (LaTosky, 2012). The stretching of the lip can cause the front bottom teeth to be knocked out. If these woman do not properly take care of their lip infections can happen. This tribe is widely acknowledged due to the fact they have photographers come into the villages and take pictures of the young woman.
In the Island of Borneo, the Dayak and Iban have the Palang is the piercing the Glans Penis horizontally the tribes traditionally use little rods made from gold, copper, bamboo. The term "Palang symbolizes the “protective power of the male over the family” (Morrison, 1998). This modification is performed on men. The Dayak also had tattoos in their culture. Dayak tribes acted as pirates and were also head hunters.
The modern primitive is a person that seeks to return to primitive times. A modern primitive person seeks resemble a person from a primitive culture by modifying their body by piercings, tattoos, and scarification. Some people want to try to relate by projecting the image of a primitive person. Tattooing and piercings have different meanings in different cultures, often as a rite of passage into adulthood or as a means of bonding and marking membership in a particular subgroup (Kulish, 2011). By having the urban primitive person changing their appearance they are creating a subculture. This subculture is taking on the older primitive ways by acknowledging others. The modern people exchange stories almost like the older tribal describing their rights of passage or battle wounds to other in their tribes. Some Americans feels society should “become part of a tribe simply because it is fun” (Haidt, 2008). In the United States, there are people modify their bodies every day. People modify their bodies from minimal modifications as changing hair color to extreme procedures like breast implant or suspensions.
In ending, culture plays significant role in each and everyone’s life globally. Culture is dividing in to norms, moral, and laws. Cultures in group were they establishes a set of norms which is lead often by the elder that a specific group. Some of those are body modifications. Body modifications are found in every group globally some maybe extreme or minimal.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

What's the matter with kanas? My respond to the movie.

I believe that a majority of Kansas’ lower income individuals are favoring Republicans is because they relate heavily to a Christian way of thinking. They are also trying to project more conservative ways. Kansas residents are also trying to follow the church’s view to live their lives, and believe that politics are not important in the eyes of God. Because of this, Kansas’ residents have taken to the Republicans because they feel they follow the teachings of God more so than the Democrats. For example, Republicans are against abortion and gay marriage so the residents of Kansas follow without question.
Thomas Frank, the author of the book “What’s the matter with Kansas?” believed that Kansas politics are based more on culture than economic issues. He also stated that people are kept in a constant state of outrage so that they can be robbed blind. The distraction is to focus the people on their moral being, rather than what is really going on in the state. They are more focused on abortion in Kansas because the issue was pushed harder instead of the important issues within the government. This led to the more important issues of the government completely overlooked by the people letting those in power do whatever they pleased. He also wrote about the trickle-down theory. The tickle-down theory is when Republicans use tax cuts for the rich. The money from the taxes is eventually everyone is receiving the money.
Kansas, being a heavy Christian state, is hugely against the big bang theory and follows the bible’s explanation of creation. This is why I feel the majority of the people changed from Democratic to Republicans. I also believe that Kansas is a state that is based more on church and the bible instead of the problems and needs of a modern society. If a Democrat is representing a side that is pushing legalizing gay marriage and abortion while the bible says a man should only be with a woman, to Kansans it clearly goes against the God and they feel they cannot trust someone that doesn’t have the same religious beliefs. I also feel that the Republicans do not care about the lower class. The Republicans care more for the wealthy and this is why they are pushing the religious beliefs to keep Kansans confused.
In the end, I feel the people of Kansas are more likely to vote for someone with the same religious beliefs rather than someone who has their best interests in mind. In the end of the election, Kathleen Sebelius a liberal democrat won the election. She won because she pushed the issues of health and higher education. I believe that Kansas can benefit from someone who believes in the same political issues instead of someone who has the same religious beliefs.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Google Drive

So I found out about google drive today. Let me explain google drive it is an app for your phone and you can access your documents on your phone and write. Which is good for me since I am always on the go. Oh technology you amaze me everyday with new things.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

What the F*ck

So today is an up setting day. I spilled contact solution on my computer. But on the bright side I have a friend that fixes computers. So he said he will take a look at it. Hopefully he can fix it or at least fine the piece I need for cheap. Oh man.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Generation Me: Entitlement

When doing my entitlement paper I started reading a book the title of the book is called Generation Me: Why today's young Americans are more confident, Assertive, entitled-and more miserable than ever before.  This book is a really good. On the note of entitlement it amazes me when a student comes in late and they begin to disrupt the class and then wonders why their getting a failing grade. I wonder why?

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


So Today is my speech presentation and I am scared but I think I'll do good. My presentation is on Industrial Hemp... Wish me luck people. I can do this I talk to everyone anyway so yes I can.

Monday, June 4, 2012


I have read so many articles that include entitlement. I still think that entitlement is still a big issuse with generation "y". Hopefully I do good on my paper

Friday, June 1, 2012

Walmart shopping

So today I went to walmart and did some shopping. Well since we have been discussing entitlement in class, I decided to people watch. I notice this little girl acting up at the store and the mother told her if she stopped then she would buy her a toy. I started thinking of class and all the articles I read and then I thought wow that's how it start the mother basically rewarded the child for being bad. And thought to myself and that's how it begins

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Growing up in my house

When I was younger, I was not the only child. I was growing up in my house my mom never rewarded us for anything good but when and if  we  get in trouble she would scream for me and my sister and then she would punish us. So I guess I grew up with out a over inflated sense of entitlement.

Entitlement with Relationships

First of all yes I know its to late to be blogging. When we take about entitlement the first thing that comes to my mine is people with jobs, students, etc. But I found this article and it talks about the romantic relationships dealing with entitlement. And how couples in relationships feel a sense of entitlement, and is excepted for that individuals  his or her wishes,needs and fantasies should be fulfilled by that partner.It also talks about how a positive or negative responses can change in the  relationship.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Sitting here in the Student Lounge free pizza.

For  people whom did not know The Third Bank was giving away pizza for free. I've been siting here working on my paper for English class. So talking about entitlement as I sit here I started to notice not one person has went up to the people from the bank to say thank you for the pizza.  and I have been sitting here for a while. So I think the student feel that they are entitle to the free pizza only because they go here. and of course I went up to them to say thank you. After only a hand full said thank you.

Memorial Day

Memorial Day the first thing that people think of are BBQs and having a party but what are you really you really celebrating when you have parties. When thinking about having parties are you remembering the people that were fighting for our country. Memorial Day is the day to remember to memorial for the dead soldiers.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Generation "Y"

Generation "Y" we talk about change and what we should do. But when are we going to do things that actually change the world? How about we start small try smiling at someone today. A smile can brighten someone day. Then the next day try helping someone. Today I help a older lady by opening the door and waiting for her to walk out side.  She told "so there is hope for you young people". To which I replied it only takes a couple of us to change the world. She said thank you .  I told her to have a wonderful day. Pay it forward people! Start with a simple smile.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

My entitlement paper

So I decided to write to Generation "Y" for my entitlement paper. I think it would be a fun paper to write considering I am part of that generation. I have found some interesting articles, and believe it or not some journals on the generation's relationships and how the generation feels about them.

Sitting here.

I sit here staring at the wooden doors with the letters and number  on top it says Hearing room 6J. I am waiting to start my custody case. My heart is nearly jumping out of my chest.  I know today would be a good day! I smile even though I want to cry. And I remind my self today is going to be a good day.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Good Morning!

Another morning at school I have to admit that first i was scared to come back. Now  I have been here for a couple of weeks and I have to say that I am getting back into the swing of things. I'm glad I come back . Oh yea good morning everyone I hope you have a wonderful day. And just remember just take a breathe and enjoy the small thing because the do count.

Monday, May 21, 2012

American History X

This is an interesting movie to watch for an essay. I have to write and answer questions about the movie in my essay. I haven't seen this movie in years so i have to watch it again. Problem is I have to find time to watch it while I study for my medical terminology class.

Entitlement in school.

As you know this is my  first quarter here at South University. Today while working in the computer lab, I started thinking  shouldn't we be entitled to better computers since we pay so much money for this school. Or at least have computer that can kept up with what we do, or maybe an other lab so we can use the computer. I maybe rambling but I don't think so.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Stand your ground law 2

So watching the news tonight and they said the state of Florida is goin to try and revise the "stand your ground law" to try and help domestic violence victims.

Entitlement Disscussion

Today in class we read a paper by Elayne Cliff, "a misplaced sense of entitlement". The different perceptions of every groups reaction is interesting. We all read the same paper, and we also came up with different thing. Talking about entitlement is an emotional subject. But when writing about it do not get emotional and stay on subject

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Violins and Ice Castles

                                      I wonder if they ever thought music would change this much.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Dark Shadows

So I've been waiting for the movie Dark Shadows to come out. Tonight I get to go see it and I'm so excited. did you know this new movie is a remake. The original dark shadows aired between 1966-1971. The only reason I know about the  original is because of my sister. When I was younger she had the show on v.h.s. and we used to sit and watch it.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Deadpool cupcakes I made for a friends party. She loved them.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Domestic Violence and "Stand your ground" act

when finishing up my paper today I came across an article on  a woman name Marissa Alexander who killed her husband two years ago this case was in Florida and it also has to do with the "Stand your Ground" act. if you guys have a minute its a interesting article

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Reading up on "the stand your ground" law.

"Stand your ground" law is relevantly new in the state of Florida. It simply says if you have the right to be some where and if your not breaking the law, you may defend yourself to prevent imminent death or bodily harm. Which in this case it does not apply in a  domestic violence situation.

Bloody Heart

 I changed my back ground. If you noticed its a heart and a cupcake. Just a fun project some one did.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Stand by your ground Law

In Florida use of force in defense of person  is justified in using force, except deadly force, against another when and to the extent that the person reasonably believes that such conduct is necessary to defend himself or herself or another against the other’s imminent use of unlawful force. However, a person is justified in the use of deadly force and does not have a duty to retreat if.

My son

That is my son Glenn. Being silly in the store. He is the reason I work  hard everyday.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Live like you never lived before !!!

 Good morning. Today is a beautiful day even if its all dark and gloomy. The wind is blowing and the birds are still chirping. And your alive just sit back and look around and find the simple joys in life. A simple smile can change you whole day, or even a memory. Just remember your alive for a reason.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Hellboy and Deadpool Cakes

This blog is gonna be about a project that I am working on . What most people don't know about me is I make cakes and cupcakes for parties. I also love baking and cooking. Well I have two cakes I have to do this month..  I'm making a Hellboy cake for my boyfriend's birthday and I'm making a Deadpool cake for a good friend's birthday. When I'm done I have to take pictures of both of them.

Friday, April 20, 2012

land of the free for who

what do you do when you have questions and no one whats to answer them. so call free consultation isn't free. so i decided since I'm trying  to gain full custody of my son. The only best way to do this is to educate my self on the laws. thank you school for having law books! i am the only one that can stop myself.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Randomness after watching the news

Let me start out by saying I don't condone drug use or do I use drugs .  I know we are doing a paper on drug abuse. But have you every thought about legalization of marijuana.
A study in 2009 by U.S. Department of Health and Human Studies published that 69.7 million Americans are current users of tobacco products, 15 million Americans abuse alcohol, and only 4.2 million Americans abuse Marijuana. 

Proponents of medical marijuana argue that it can be a safe and effective treatment for the symptoms of cancer, AIDS, multiple sclerosis, pain, glaucoma, epilepsy, and other conditions. They cite dozens of peer-reviewed studies, prominent medical organizations, major government reports, and the use of marijuana as medicine throughout world history. 
 Cannabidiol (C.B.D.) is a cannabinoid found in Cannabis. It is a major component of the plant, representing up to 40% in its extracts and clinical studies indicate that C.B.D. could be effective in easing symptoms of a wide range of difficult-to-control conditions, including: rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, alcoholism, PTSD, epilepsy, antibiotic-resistant infections and neurological disorders. C.B.D. has demonstrated neuroprotective effects, and its anti-cancer potential is currently being explored at several academic research centers in the U.S. and other countries."
 After stating some facts and some studies. Think about this: most of the medications come from plants. So why should we stop the legalization of a plant that can potently help ease the pain of patients. And I would like to add I'm not talking about the marijuana you get from a street dealer I am talking about Pharmaceutical Grade Medical Marijuana.

I learned about the issue of drug abuse.

I have learned threw writing this paper that girls are more influence to try drugs at a younger age. And I have learned a couple of tips in talking to kids I also learned how it effects the brain.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

How do I use writing for my major.

I used writing everyday when learning about my major.  I write down my notes.  So I can go back and study for my tests. I also use writing to write papers for classes.

Dullness is not excepted here

Wow I haven't been in school for seven years. Getting back in to the mix of things have been crazy. CRAZY. let me tell you. I"m only 28 and working to get my second degree.  At first I was scared now I have no fear that I can put on mine to any thing if i work hard at it. The past couple of years have been a change. Working, now going to school, and my son. never a dull moment. I remember when I used to be bored with nothing to do. that was then and now I live.

Growing up with Domestic Violence.

Growing up with domestic violence was hard on me. My images of my father were not good memories. I learned from a young age that I never wanted to be in a relationship like that. They say that a children in a domestic violence situation always lives in constant fear. Well i lived in fear till my father went to jail when I was eight. I have learned so many facts about domestic violence, I have made a promise to my self  I will never get in to a abusive relation.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Domestic Violence

When hearing about cases of domestic violence some people are confused about the  facts. domestic violence occurs among people of all races, ages, religious, and educational backgrounds. In the United States, a person is beaten by their partner every fifthteen seconds.Boys who witness domestic violence are twice as likely to abuse their own partners and children when they become adults. (Strauss, Gelles, and Smith, “Physical Violence in American Families: Risk Factors and Adaptations to Violence” in 8,145 Families. Transaction Publishers 1990). These are just some facts .